Publishing News & Views

Spring Events Round-up

Frances Grace Fyfe

April is the cruellest month. But wait, how can that be? What with the snow melting and the birds chirping and the sunlight returning to this hemisphere (well, except for the one day when it will be totally eclipsed by the moon, but you get the idea), there is still lots to look forward to.

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Productive Failure and the Process of Not Performing

Klara du Plessis

Art and ideas for art are failing, and even that failure is now harnessed for productivity models. Rejected art is evaluated for inclusion or dismissal, to pass or fail, at prestigious institutions, but this time the criteria for success is how badly the work has bombed.

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The Resilience and Reality of Headlight Anthology

Calvin Halvorsen

Following a two-year hiatus, the Concordia graduate student-run journal returned to win the prestigious Forces AVENIR Universitaire 2023 prize in the Arts, Literature & Culture category.

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Reading Resolutions for 2024

Malcolm Fraser, Rebecca West, Alexandra Sweny, and Nived Dharmaraj

by Malcolm Fraser, Rebecca West, Alexandra Sweny, and Nived Dharmaraj Happy New Year from the Read Quebec staff!  Year after year, alongside pledges to exercise more, spend less, and recommit to hobbies old and new, “read more books” consistently ranks among the most popular New Year’s resolutions. For dedicated bookworms […]

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Kid’s Lit Holiday Round-Up

Meaghan Thurston

Alexandra Sweny

We’ve been treated to a wonderful array of books for young readers this year. Here’s my hand-picked selection of ten 2023 favourites published in Canada.

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Resources for Learning

Nived Dharmaraj and Alexandra Sweny

Published from 1989 to 2023 and featuring academic texts, poetry, memoirs, and works of fiction, the list is a reminder that the roots of this conflict are longstanding, far-reaching and deserving of sustained engagement.

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Violet Hour: a reading series, a book club, a literary community

Brooke Lee

Founded during a precarious time for queer literary spaces in Montreal, DiRaddo’s Violet Hour continues to provide underrepresented voices with a platform, a microphone, and an audience.

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